- Build a community of teens interested in museums.
- Help museums promote events and programs.
- Share what we know about the role of teens in museums.
...for teens:
- Meet other museum-involved teens from across the city.
- Learn about other museum programs and career possibilities in museum education.
- Develop college-level research skills (with an emphasis on arts-based research).
- Cultivate leadership skills (teamwork, public presentations, strategic planning, etc.).
- Set an agenda for adults working to design programs for teens in museums.
...for museums:
- Share information about programs with other teens (i.e. free outreach).
- Gain a teen perspective on current programming strengths and weaknesses via youth-led program evaluations.
- Be a part of a youth-created “document” that can be used to advocate for teen programs within your institution and beyond.
- Contribute to growing body of knowledge around effective practices for youth programming in museum education.