Friday, August 5, 2011

Thinking, Making, & Sharing @ Eyebeam

Walking into Eyebeam, we were greeted with a digital banner: THINK. MAKE. SHARE.  It couldn't have been a more perfect tagline for our day. After a behind-the-scenes tour with Stephanie, inspiring chats with artists Taeyoon Choi and Andrew Demirjian, and a detailed discussion of the logistics of documenting the digestive process, we took over Eyebeam's open studio space to turn our projects into reality. Here's a snapshot of some of the questions we're exploring:
  • Abiel is curious about how educators decide what artwork teens like and if the time period or culture of the artwork matters.
  • Daniel wonders if people really get the point of a museum.
  • Suzanna and Billy are eager to figure out if teen councils are useful AND how non-education museum staff feel about working with young people.
  • Joygil wants to know what the obstacles are to letting young people curate exhibits.
  • Jannath is going to solve the outreach dilemma by figuring out how best to communicate with teens.
  • Chloe and Jack are taking two different angles to figure out what teens are really looking for in museum programs.
  • Jonah is analyzing demographic connections between age, interest, education, and location and museum preferences.
  • Isabela is trying to pinpoint the assumptions people have about museums.
  • Joe is working on a mini-documentary about teens in museums.

We've had three weeks of thinking about these topics, several hours of making mini-surveys and interview plans, so it's about time we shared.  Stay tuned for survey links both here and on our facebook page.